Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Katie n me havin' some lovely tea...

Dad n Bryson;
playin' tinkertoys,
n havin' some fun!

Brothers! To not play games would be such a shame, although if they lose, the baby will get the blame. =)
*note: poor quality pics are from my phone ;^)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Light Festivities $75
Hot Cocoa/Spiced Cidar $10
Kettle Corn $7

Laughter & Love amongst family...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tis the Season to be jolly...

~Life is fun...enjoy the ride!

~Best Pals forever! Aria and our Andrew!

~Life IS a ball!

~Joe's Sarah... our luck!

~Miss Mikayla (aka... our Katie-girl)

~Life is like a bowl of "Cheery-O's"

Fa la la la la....

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Hello friends & family! I have not posted much lately...
I have not quite settled into our move as of yet... yes, it has been 6 months already!

Although homeschooling is going well, the credit goes to my children, as they are staying consistant with their independant work (math, reading, vocabulary, & grammar)...
yet I am a planner, and I am not maximizing our remaining school time effectively with our elective choices (French, Ancient History, Art, & Cooking).

Although we are seemingly managing our small, enclosed living situation with the best of attitudes...
I am rather challenged to feel organized.

Although we are not a materialistic family, and are grateful for what the Good Lord provides on a daily basis...
yet again, I am longing for the normalcy of our own things, as 90% of our belongings sit idly in storage.

Although we have an opportunity to share Christ's love through how our family lives...
I find it difficult to find a balance in how things are to be domestically ran while trying to respect differences.

Although I know God has a plan and a purpose for us...
I find it hard not to be eager to move forward...
to another day...
another place...
another journey...


"I will put my trust in Him." Hebrews 2:13