Sunday, January 30, 2011

Got snow?

Why no, no we don't. We were to study snow for our month of January. We did get a snowman. Yet all our other snow experiments have gone by the way side *sigh*

So, we combined sugar, milk, & vanilla in a small baggie. We then placed the small baggie inside a larger baggie full of ice and salt.

shake, shake, SHAKE....


"Hey, it's actually ice cream!"

January Goals~

: Meteorology

Dec - cloud study
Jan- minimal snow study

Feb- a rain study... we can't go wrong with this in the Pacific northwest, right? =)

The book of James
We are continuing Pilgrims Progress still...
it is quite the complex novel; a great lesson in metaphors too.

The Life of Lafayette
U.S. Constitution/Federalist Papers...
we have barely cracked open this massive study yet,
thus we continue on...

Economics: (for Nick)
Not Yours to Give~ Davy Crockett
On That Day Began Lies~ Leonard Read
Weekly Current Events summaries

Nick~ Johnny Tremain
TJ~ Valley Forge
Katie~ The Winter Snow of Red (Dear America study)

We are enjoying the Liberty Kids series while our studies are focusing on the Revolutionary War era.

adverbs, quotations

Nick- irrational numbers, square root formulas, & review military time.
TJ- study of prisms & other 3 dimensional shapes, review percents/decimal/fractions.
Katie- simple division, review multiplication table, time, & money.

Fine Arts:
composer- Johannes Brahms
w/ Hungarian Dance No. 5
artist- Pablo Picasso
w/ Mother and Child
poetry/verse-1st Corinthians 13: 4-8
w/ Love is...

We will be working on fluency & comprehension. Our study habits need to be improved and consistant this month. =)

Nature Study:
This study has been mostly limited to our "weather" study. We are due for an explorative outing, and rumor says it is suppose to be a dry week... a dry week? Did you notice our science agenda above? of course that would make sense... after all, this months experiments for our 'rain' study will include the need for RAIN! I am convinced that God has a sense of humor...really!

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