Sunday, May 29, 2011
and breaking statistics.
This is a testimony (of sorts) about broken families and God's love.
I was raised in a broken home.
My dad was a druggie.
My 1st step-dad was a drunk.
My mom, although young & naive & making poor decisions,
was always loving. She always did the best she could do in the circumstances she found herself (& I) in.
Which led to my being raised in my teens by a single, hard working mom.
In turn, I helped my mom raise my little sister.
We are 11 yrs apart, and the best of friends.
As an adult, my own family began in a broken state.
A rushed marriage, a wanted child, and a much needed divorce found me all at the age of 22.
My blessing in the rubble of the choices I made, was my first born son, Joey.
Another disguised blessing came when this son was about 8 months old.
I met my dear husband Fred.
He also came from a broken home.
We entered a marriage not knowing what marriage was, or even what love was for that matter. We "knew" we loved each other, but it would take many years to truly begin to know what that really meant.
After years of walking away from Christ, or atleast neatly tucking Him away so I could do all the fun things I thought I needed to do, I found my way back around to Him again. Years later, Fred, within his own journey, came to be saved.
Our son Joe had been raised in a loving family, but he knows, remembers, our non-Christ-filled days. We also opted to let him go through the public school system via his own request. (Since this blog shares much about our homeschool journey, I figured I should share that.)
Many things we have cared, shared, & mentored to this specific son. After all, he is the guinea pig of our parenting, right? We were both raised w/ loving moms, but this newer experience of having a Father to help guide us, put us on a learning curve. We have listened to God earnestly, and have learned much, and we have continued to share the values placed in our hearts to all our children.
1. God cares, we matter.
2. Walk the walk; don't just talk the talk.
3. Always shine His Light in all circumstances.
4. Are you going to be a statistic? You know, the one that gives the ridiculous high percentage to say that children that are raised in a Christian home will walk away from their beliefs somewhere between 18 and 22?
Our Joe is now 22.
In high school he ran into little trouble (although not a perfect child, lol), and made tough decisions that took me awhile to realize. One being that when one of his bestest childhood friends (whom came from a fabulous Christian home) began to make poor choices (ie partying) our son chose to hang out with different friends. One friend he hung out with was not a Christian, but a great kid none-the-less. His name... Chris.
Well, I am pleased to say that not only has our son broke the "statistic", but has also been sharing His Light along the way. Chris not only is now a Christian, but it going to seminary for a BA in Theology Pastoral Counseling. *smile*
Here is Chris's attempt at blogging...
I think he is doing a fine job, and it is wonderful to see young men stepping up to make a difference in others lives... even if it is simply to shine His Light.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Our Precocious Princess is at it again...
Katie-girl is always finding things on a whim to do. You know how many kids whine the infamous "I'm bored"...
Yeah, well, my dear daughter always has a way to "find" something to do...
and wants it to be done...NOW.
Fortune Cookies
complete with Biblical encouragement.
Friday, May 27, 2011
and what our year looked like...
Go HERE to for the details of what RC is.
This is what RC looks like in our home.
There are no textbooks...
no lapbooks...
no quizes...
nearly no tests (we do have spelling/vocabulary tests).
No more loose papers,
nor stacks of workbooks,
nor stacks of papers to correct,
and no more CHAOS!
What do we do, you ask?
...simply read.
We read good old fashioned books. The quality of the content in these books has opened my eyes at how much the educational system has been watered down over the years, both in education and morals. Not to say that all curriculum out there is bad; I'm just saying that we have found a better choice for our family.
Our Classroom Schedule:
1/2 hr writing
1/2 hr English (grammar, punctuation, & vocabulary)
1/2 hr Science
1/2 hr Literature
1 hour Math
1/2 hr French
1/2 hr Fine arts
1 hr history(reading, map work, & sometimes history related activities)
This is intended as a family read aloud. I missed out on so much details of our history, that I am enjoying learning so much more through these quality books.
Fine arts is broken into days:
(this is not RC, but I feel it completes what I want out school years to look like)
Monday is our official Bible lesson,(w/ scripture review the rest of the days)
Tuesday is our composer study.(we continue to listen to the musical piece all week)
Wednesday is our artist study.
Thursday is our poet study.
Friday is our Nature Study.
I do have a scope & sequence I have created to sort the extensive list of books that RC has on a list. The original RC way is to just simply start reading at the beginning of the book list, and work your way through. They do have different "levels" as you go through, but they are not to be considered grade levels as the easier books can be challenging in content at level 1 for a typical 1st grader, and level 12 is more of a college level reading. Non-the-less, I wanted an guideline to go by. So I sorted books by not only levels, but topics (subjects), and tried to find common ideas amongst the topics & grade level put together.
I will share the scope & sequence on a following post, along with how we implement the McGuffey Readers that are provided in the Robinson Curriculum.
What about the cost of printing & binding books?
I like printing out the books. Admittedly, many books can be found in the local city library. Many folks opt for e-readers and download all the books from the RC list for free.
Our printer was worth the investment; binding for me is pennies (duct tape & staples);
ink & paper are a cost, but compared to the money I was using for this curriculum or that, or this workbook or that, or this cool new method or that, the $$$ we will save in the long run for this quality education is far worth it! For me, I will be getting 41 years worth of education out of this curriculum (counting each students years left in home education)...discs, printer, ink, paper, staples, duct tape, & few late fees at a library might eventually add up to a $1000 over the years, but that is one inexpensive route in the long run.
And if I am really blessed, I will be able to pass it along to my own grandchildren some day...
education is a legacy worth leaving, eh?
While L.I.F.E. Academy is wrapped up for the 2010-2011 school year...
Learning w/ the Littles will continue...
Mainly because we aren't finished in..
They won't be as formal as our usual planned year, as we are preparing to move in a few weeks,
but we will have lots of fun
all in the name of learning.
Friday, May 20, 2011
in the
the boys liked the gray and white rocks.
Seashells were a treasure found.
Halfway through our walk she spotted the hawk. By the time we got in front of our house, there was quite the "sky war" going on between the crows (a lot of them) and the lone hawk. Our hypothesis was that the hawk was too close to home for some baby crows.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
About us:
We began our home-
school journey 9 yrs ago, and we love it! To get a quick recap of those previous years, go HERE
This year we homeschooled:
Nick- a senior
TJ- an 8th grader
Katie- 3rd grade
Andrew- kindergarten
Bryson- TOT school
First, I want to share a post I placed on the Robinson Curriculum group recently~
"Does anyone else read TOS (The Old Schoolhouse) Magazine? I use to read it a lot. Great folks. Helpful ideas. I have gleaned fabulous information from them for 10 years now...
but guess what? Today's topic from the Homeschool Minute?
~Choosing Curriculum For Your Kids~
and what could interest me about that?
NOT having to read it!
I am doin' the Happy Dance...
and singing
"I'm free, I'm free, I'm free,
Thank God we've found RC!"
And that is exactly how I feel. *smile*
Here is a letter I shared with someone who wanted a sincere opinion of the Robinson Curriculum.
"Dear Friend,
May I be completely honest with you? Indeed, I found much more than I expected through RC. I am stunned at the quality content of the books. I, personally, have learned more from reading a few of the History Autobiographies (on the booklist), than from my full 12 yrs in the public school. All those years glossing over the facts every holiday *sigh*...
Here have been the effects of RC in our home in the past year...
ds 17- struggled for years with reading comprehension and became a reluctant reader. He has read more books (willingly) this year than all his previous years put together. The lack of pressure to do fact checks, quizes, tests, worksheets, etc, left him to actual just read; to get lost in the story w/o the fuss of the other stuff.
ds 14 is our reluctant writer. I couldn't pull a sentence out of this child; I tried multiple writing programs, all w/ rave reviews, and he continually looked like a frightened deer staring into the headlights...currently we have slowly progressed from copywork to random writing on his own. I never realized the importance of copywork (I though it was about penmanship, oy!). Most importantly, his attitude has been positive w/ this approach.
dd 9 is a voracious learner =) The girl is devouring books as quick as she can. The intelligence of the books are displayed in her vocabulary. These books are of quality content from the very beginning; do not underestimate the earlier part of the list if you have older students.
ds 6 (kindergarten) has Asperger's thus this direct and simple approach has been best for him. Ofcourse he is just beginning this journey so his *time* requirements are much lower thus far.
After gaining some real structure and calmness to our days (I am of the over-planning kind of mom) by RC's simple, yet effective format, I can truly say we have gained much more from our education this year! A few hundred dollars investment for a lifetime of education is astounding. I now view (from my own perspective; not judging others) conferences, and curriculum fairs, and homeschool catalogs, and other curriculums as mass money makers. Oh sure, they provide and offer what they say they do; I am not particularly against any one of them; yet so much fluff, and complication, and rules, and continued purchases are in my past now, and I am thankful not only to the quality of my children's education, but that I can also be a good steward of my husbands hard earned paychecks. "
So there's my perspective ;^)
I will follow up with a post of how we implemented The Robinson Curriculum to our daily life, along with a few other details...
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
What a journey the last 2 years have been!
I was very comfortable in our small hometown...
maybe too much so?
God led us to new adventures...
and we followed.
Nothing glamorous or fancy,
just simple lessons and new opportunities to learn from.
For my newer readers,
we went from tiny town to big city.
We had a comfortably large home w/ hot tub & swimming pool, and plenty of space,
to invading loved ones homes with all-of-us while our belongings stayed in storage.
The move came due to a job expansion.
The reasons for our chosen housing came for different reasons...
one was to help financially til a home sold,
followed by the request of my parents to stay with them in their home for a season.
Life Lessons continue:
* Big City Life certainly throws a learning curve at you on a daily basis.
(& no, I am not naive, trust me,
my childhood was full of 'reality checks' of worldly situations).
* Our "family" continues to stay bonded through the changes.
* I had the opportunity to really focus on what I wanted our children to get from homeschooling.
* Katie-girl received 2 years of Ballet in a wonderful home setting.
* I have gotten the chance to really get to know my (step)dad. He's a great guy.
* Thanks to my dear sister-in-law, we were taught 2 years of French; something we will continue to practice.
* Nick experienced soccer at a highly competitive level, and thrived.
* Material stuff is optional, family is not. =)
* My husband is my best friend. I have really good friends, some are quite priceless. Yet I am grateful that God has given me my perfect life-mate.
* I have learned that circumstances change, but life always continues. We make it what it is with our attitude....
* Grandparents are precious, and Aunties are very giving with their time and talents.
* Church is what you make it.
With all these lessons under our belt, changes continue...
We are moving back to our small hometown. My husbands job continues, and we are grateful. The house we are to make our home is modestly large and eloquent. Not having the 7 of us living out of 2 rooms shall be interesting *smile*, the littles think this is normal. =)
I am still pondering the use of a "family closet". Ofcourse it would be on a bigger scale than our wee survival mode one we've adapted to. Got any links or ideas for this, please do share!
We are in full swing of *social* planning;
co-ops, sports, & volunteering at VBS are all knocking at my door already.
I love these things, but am very well aware that I will need to prayerfully think out our days, and plan according to our individual needs as well as nurturing our bond as a whole.
All in all, I am excited to be a part of community again, all the while remembering to slow down, exhale, and appreciate the small, simple moments that seem to whisper by....
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
For my readers whom also homeschool, do you do testing? If so, what is your families attitude towards it? We do testing because it is required. I find it rather vague in exposing knowledge, but rather to know how to take the (a) test. The test does not reflect intelligence. After all, many of us parents have graduated from highschool, a few of us have a few years of college underhand also.... so, years later, does it really matter what a predicate nominative or reflexive pronoun is? Better yet, diagramming sentences? Really, is that even necessary?
obedience~ to do their work that is required, and in a timely manner.
quality~ Neatness and effort matter.
attitude~ the kids don't necessarily have to like what we are learning, but respect for education is a must.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Grandpa is "60"
Grandma made the cake;
Katie-girl helped decorate it.
I was in charge of finding candles
...again. *hee*
The guys had fun opening their presents.
I think Grandpa had more fun "buying" Bryson's present.
I had suggested to my parents that Bryson would probably enjoys nuts & bolts. Yes, real ones. He is fascinated with stuff like that. I figure it would be great for hand dexterity too, eh?
Bryson got a "real" toolbox, with real tools; a mallet, nuts & bolts, tape measure, 2 stubby screwdrivers, and a crescent wrench. Grandma guided the reins a bit when he started looking at magnetic tool sets *grin*. Today the tape measure was the biggest hit...our own version of 'Bob the Builder' pictures are sure to come....
As for Grandpa, I took the boys with me to go shopping for Grandpa's present. He wanted slippers; he got slippers. Not very exciting, but the shopping trip was priceless. Bryson proudly carried the slippers to the cashier's counter, and Andrew beamed at having the money to pay.
I really do love our simple life!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
This is our last week of school...
and much of the final studying has been with math. Our reading & writing skills have greatly improved this year due to the effectiveness of the curriculum we began this year. (I'll share my rave reviews at a later date)
So, what do the littles do while we are going over all things MATH...
enjoying some good treats....
Enjoying leggos...
Practicing being on 'target'....
We have a busy week of activities amongst our studying...
This is from a blog that has followers all over the world, and my sweet pen pal was hooting and howling and giggling when I sent her my name & address, in which I responded with the same hooting and howling and giggling.... as we live about 15 minutes from each other! *hee*
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
T.J. is a fabulous 14! ...and as usual, we have a shortage of birthday candles, so once again we are creative...
We are always proud of our creative wrapping paper. Like his puzzled face? Hmmm, what lurks behind the plain white tissue paper?
yet in the end, TJ is very happy to receive a new controller for his video games. Littles brother plays with the old one, so now they don't have to *always* share.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Here is (# 40)